Care of your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Cavaliers are one of the most adorable and loving dogs you will ever come across. They are always happy to see you with their tails wagging. Their love is unconditional and as quoted to me if there were 25 hours in a day you would get 25 hours of loving. They are one of the easiest dogs to house-train and if you do it right he/she should be asking to go outside within 48 hours. If you watch your puppy he/she will show signs that he/she needs to go outside but it is all down to your training methods. Again another saying, it is not the dog that cannot be trained it is the human.

Cavaliers do need some discipline just like any other breed but make sure you take a gentle approach to it. They do not need a lot of exercise but a daily walk helps maintain their health physically and mentally.

When you get your Cavalier home make sure you show it where its’ water dish is and its’ bed; we suggest training from a crate initially till it learns where to go potty. Once it knows to tell you he/she needs to go outside it is up to you as to whether or not you share your bed with him/her.They are the perfect breed for children though supervision should take place especially if the child/children are not used to having a dog around. The Cavaliers are great with children but do not let children pick them up as disasters can happen; the floor is a great place for the children to play with their puppy.

Make sure you puppy proof your home inside and out. Remember they are just like children and will get into all sorts of mischief. Also remember they are members of the spaniel group and therefore love birds. So when outside make sure you have them on a leash or in a fenced in yard as they will just follow the birds wherever they may go even onto the road.

Your puppy needs to have regular check ups from its’ Doctor the same as you would. Before leaving our home they are all fully wormed and up-to-date with their shots and depending upon the age they will need further shots from your veterinarian. It is a good idea that once you get your puppy home to take it to the veterinarian within 72 hours to satisfy yourself that your puppy is as healthy as the breeder says it is. It is a good idea also if you previously did not have a vet and are looking for a vet to ask the vet the hours and their after hours care so if there is a problem you know where to call.

The Cavalier breed does need regular grooming. He/she does shed so a good brush will help prevent those unwanted hairs on the couch. Brush a couple to times a week to help with the shedding and perhaps 3 – 4 times a week when their winter/summer coats shed to allow for changing of seasons. There are health problems that come with any breed and their are some excellent books out there for you to learn about them as I feel it is necessary that you read about them. A way of avoiding these problems is to first check out that the mommy and daddy are not related in any way to avoid lineage problems.